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【英語版】損益計算書の頻出勘定科目 124選

売上や収益から、原価や費用を差し引いて、企業の業績である利益(または損失)を計算するのが損益計算書。Profit and Loss Statement の略から、P/L と呼称されます。

日本語英 語関連記事
損益計算書Statement of income, Profit and loss statement▶解説
営業収益Operating income▶解説
総売上高Gross sales▶解説
売上値引及び戻り高Sales allowance and returns▶解説
商品売上高Net sales of goods 
製品売上高Net sales of finished goods 
金融収益Financial revenue 
売上原価Cost of sales▶解説
営業費用Operating expenses▶解説
商品期首たな卸高Beginning goods 
総仕入高Total purchase of goods▶解説
仕入値引及び戻し高Purchase allowance and returns 
当期商品仕入高Cost of purchased goods 
商品期末たな卸高Ending goods 
商品売上原価Cost of goods sold▶解説
販売費及び一般管理費Selling, general and administrative expenses▶解説
販売手数料Sales commission▶解説
荷造費Packing expenses▶解説
運送費Freight expenses▶解説
広告宣伝費Advertising expenses▶解説
見本費Sample expenses 
保管費Warehousing expenses▶解説
納入試験費Delivery examination expenses 
役員報酬Directors’ compensations▶解説
福利厚生費Welfare expenses 
交際費Entertainment expenses▶解説
旅費交通費Traveling and transportation expenses▶解説
通信費Communication expenses▶解説
消耗品費Supplies expenses 
租税公課Taxes and dues▶解説
修繕費Repair expenses 
保険料Insurance expenses 
貸倒引当金繰入額Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts▶解説
貸倒損失Bad debts expenses▶解説
賞与引当金繰入額Provision for bonuses 
役員退職慰労引当金繰入額Provision for directors’ retirement benefits▶解説
役員賞与引当金繰入額Provision for directors’ bonuses▶解説
退職給付費用Retirement benefit expenses 
研究開発費Research and development expenses 
販売費Selling expenses 
一般管理費General and administrative expenses 
人件費Personnel expenses▶解説
従業員給料Employees’ salaries 
退職金Retirement payments 
法定福利費Legal welfare expenses 
のれん償却額Amortization of goodwill 
株式交付費Share issuance cost 
開業費償却Amortization of business commencement expenses 
開発費償却Amortization of development expenses 
修繕維持費Repair and maintenance 
水道光熱費Utilities expenses▶解説
事務用品費Stationery expenses▶解説
会議費Conference expenses 
諸経費Sundry expenses 
雑費Miscellaneous expenses▶解説
売上総利益又は売上総損失(△)Gross profit (loss)▶解説
営業外収益Non-operating income▶解説
受取利息Interest income▶解説
有価証券利息Interest on securities 
受取配当金Dividend income▶解説
仕入割引Purchase discounts 
負ののれん償却額Amortization of negative goodwill 
持分法による投資利益Share of profit of entities accounted for using equity method 
為替差益Foreign exchange gains 
有価証券売却益Gain on sales of securities 
投資有価証券売却益Gain on sales of investment securities 
有価証券評価益Gain on valuation of securities 
受取地代家賃Land and house rent received 
受取利息及び配当金Interest and dividend income▶解説
雑収入Miscellaneous income 
営業外収益Non-operating income 
営業外費用Non-operating expenses▶解説
支払利息Interest expenses▶解説
社債利息Interest on bonds 
売上割引Sales discounts▶解説
有価証券売却損Loss on sales of securities 
有価証券評価損Loss on valuation of securities 
投資有価証券売却損Loss on sales of investment securities 
持分法による投資損失Share of loss of entities accounted for using equity method 
社債発行費償却Amortization of bond issuance cost 
株式交付費Share issuance cost 
株式交付費償却Amortization of share issuance cost 
新株発行費償却Amortization of share issuance cost 
社債発行費Bond issuance cost 
為替差損Foreign exchange losses 
手形売却損Loss on sales of notes payable 
貸倒引当金繰入額Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts 
貸倒損失Bad debts expenses 
創立費償却Amortization of deferred organization expenses 
開業費償却Amortization of business commencement expenses 
開発費償却Amortization of development expenses 
雑損失Miscellaneous loss 
営業外費用Non-operating expenses 
経常利益又は経常損失Ordinary income (loss)▶解説
特別利益Extraordinary income▶解説
抱合せ株式消滅差益Gain on extinguishment of tie-in shares 
固定資産売却益Gain on sales of non-current assets 
固定資産処分益Gain on disposal of non-current assets 
投資有価証券売却益Gain on sales of investment securities 
貸倒引当金戻入額Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts 
新株予約権戻入益Gain on reversal of subscription rights to shares 
特別損失Extraordinary losses▶解説
抱合せ株式消滅差損Loss on extinguishment of tie-in shares 
固定資産売却損Loss on sales of non-current assets 
減損損失Impairment loss▶解説
災害による損失Loss on disaster 
固定資産除却損Loss on retirement of non-current assets 
固定資産処分損Loss on disposal of non-current assets 
投資有価証券売却損Loss on sales of investment securities 
早期割増退職金Early extra retirement payments 
税引前当期純利益又は純損失(△)Income (loss) before income taxes▶解説
法人税等Income taxes▶解説
法人税等の更正、決定等による納付税額又は還付税額Income taxes – correction 
法人税等調整額Income taxes – deferred 
当期純利益又は当期純損失(△)Profit (loss)▶解説
非継続事業から生ずる損益Income (loss) from Discontinued operation▶解説

【英語版】包括利益計算書の頻出勘定科目 12選

包括利益計算書は、企業の資本取引以外の純資産の増減内容を報告する計算書です。Statement of Comprehensive Income の略から、C/Iと呼称されます。

日本語英 語関連記事
包括利益計算書Statement of comprehensive income▶解説
当期純利益又は当期純損失Profit (loss) 
少数株主損益調整前当期純利益又は純損失Income (loss) before minority interests 
その他有価証券評価差額金Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 
繰延ヘッジ損益Deferred gains or losses on hedges 
為替換算調整勘定Foreign currency translation adjustment 
退職給付に係る調整額Remeasurements of defined benefit plans, net of tax 
持分法適用会社に対する持分相当額Share of other comprehensive income of entities accounted for using equity method 
その他の包括利益Other comprehensive income 
包括利益Comprehensive income 
親会社株主に係る包括利益Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent 
非支配株主に係る包括利益Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests 

【英語版】貸借対照表の頻出勘定科目 124選

決算日時点で、会社が保有する資産と会社が負っている負債、そしてその差額である純資産を一覧表示した報告書です。Balance Sheet の略から、B/Sと呼称されます。

日本語英 語関連記事
貸借対照表Balance sheet▶解説
流動資産Current assets▶解説
現金及び預金Cash and deposits▶解説
受取手形Notes receivable – trade▶解説
売掛金Accounts receivable – trade▶解説
製品Finished goods▶解説
半製品Semi-finished goods▶解説
原材料Raw materials▶解説
仕掛品Work in process▶解説
販売用不動産Real estate for sale▶解説
前渡金Advance payments – trade 
前払費用Prepaid expenses 
未収収益Accrued income 
短期貸付金Short-term loans receivable 
未収入金Accounts receivable – other▶解説
未収消費税等Consumption taxes receivable 
未収還付法人税等Income taxes receivable 
立替金Advances paid 
貸倒引当金Allowance for doubtful accounts▶解説
固定資産Non-current assets▶解説
有形固定資産Property, plant and equipment▶解説
機械及び装置Machinery and equipment 
工具、器具及び備品Tools, furniture and fixtures 
リース資産Leased assets 
建設仮勘定Construction in progress 
減価償却累計額Accumulated depreciation 
減損損失累計額Accumulated impairment loss 
無形固定資産Intangible assets▶解説
特許権Patent right 
借地権Leasehold right 
商標権Trademark right 
ソフトウエア仮勘定Software in progress 
電話加入権Telephone subscription right 
投資その他の資産Investments and other assets 
投資有価証券Investment securities▶解説
関係会社株式Shares of subsidiaries and associates 
出資金Investments in capital 
関係会社出資金Investments in capital of subsidiaries and associates 
長期貸付金Long-term loans receivable 
関係会社長期貸付金Long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and associates 
破産更生債権等Claims provable in bankruptcy, claims provable in rehabilitation and other 
長期前払費用Long-term prepaid expenses 
退職給付に係る資産Net defined benefit asset 
繰延税金資産Deferred tax assets 
投資不動産Real estate for investment 
差入保証金Guarantee deposits 
貸倒引当金Allowance for doubtful accounts▶解説
繰延資産Deferred assets 
創立費Deferred organization expenses 
開業費Business commencement expenses 
株式交付費Share issuance cost 
社債発行費Bond issuance cost 
開発費Development expenses▶解説
流動負債Current liabilities▶解説
支払手形Notes payable – trade 
買掛金Accounts payable – trade▶解説
未払費用Accrued expenses 
前受金Advances received 
前受収益Unearned revenue 
製品保証引当金Provision for product warranties 
賞与引当金Provision for bonuses 
有給休暇引当金Accrued vacation payable, Allowance for annual paid leave 
修繕引当金Provision for repairs 
工事損失引当金Provision for loss on construction contracts 
未払金Accounts payable – other 
未払法人税等Income taxes payable▶解説
未払消費税等Accrued consumption taxes 
預り金Deposits received 
短期借入金Short-term loans payable 
1年内返済予定の長期借入金Current portion of long-term loans payable 
仮受金Suspense receipt 
固定負債Non-current liabilities▶解説
社債Bonds payable 
新株予約権付社債Bonds with subscription rights to shares 
長期借入金Long-term loans payable 
関係会社長期借入金Long-term loans payable to subsidiaries and associates 
退職給付引当金Provision for retirement benefits 
役員退職慰労引当金Provision for directors’ retirement benefits▶解説
債務保証損失引当金Provision for loss on guarantees 
特別修繕引当金Provision for special repairs 
退職給付に係る負債Net defined benefit liability 
負ののれんNegative goodwill 
リース債務Lease obligations 
資産除去債務Asset retirement obligations 
受入保証金Guarantee deposits received 
長期未払金Long-term accounts payable – other 
純資産の部Net assets 
株主資本Shareholders’ equity 
資本金Capital stock 
資本剰余金Capital surplus 
資本準備金Legal capital surplus 
その他資本剰余金Other capital surplus 
利益剰余金Retained earnings 
利益準備金Legal retained earnings 
任意積立金Voluntary retained earnings 
別途積立金General reserve 
繰越利益剰余金Retained earnings brought forward 
その他利益剰余金Other retained earnings 
自己株式Treasury shares 
その他包括利益累計額Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income 
評価・換算差額等Valuation and translation adjustments 
その他有価証券評価差額金Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 
繰延ヘッジ損益Deferred gains or losses on hedges 
土地再評価差額金Revaluation reserve for land 
為替換算調整勘定Foreign currency translation adjustment 
退職給付に係る調整累計額Remeasurements of defined benefit plans 
新株予約権Subscription rights to shares 
非支配株主持分Non-controlling interests 
純資産Net assets 
負債純資産Liabilities and net assets 

【英語版】株主資本等変動計算書の頻出勘定科目 48選

株主資本等変動計算書は、貸借対照表の純資産の変動状況を表す財務諸表です。通常は、Statement of Changes in Net Assetsの略で、C/Nと呼称されますが、株主資本に着目した場合、Net Assets をShareholders’ Equityと呼び、株主資本等変動計算書も Statements of Shareholders’ Equity(略称はS/S)と訳されます。 

日本語英 語関連記事
株主資本等変動計算書Statement of changes in equity▶解説
当期変動額Changes of items during period 
新株の発行Issuance of new shares 
新株の発行(新株予約権の行使)Issuance of new shares – exercise of subscription rights to shares 
剰余金(その他資本剰余金)の配当Dividends of surplus – other capital surplus▶解説
剰余金の配当Dividends of surplus▶解説
親会社株主に帰属する当期純利益又は当期純損失Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent 
当期純利益又は当期純損失Net income (loss) 
自己株式の取得Purchase of treasury shares 
自己株式の処分Disposal of treasury shares 
自己株式処分差損の振替Transfer of loss on disposal of treasury shares 
自己株式の消却Retirement of treasury shares 
連結範囲の変動Change of scope of consolidation 
持分法の適用範囲の変動Change of scope of equity method 
合併による増加Increase by merger 
会社分割による増加Increase by corporate division 
株式交換による増加Increase by share exchanges 
株式移転による増加Increase by share transfers 
分割型の会社分割による減少Decrease by corporate division – split-off type 
資本金から準備金への振替Transfer to legal capital surplus from capital stock 
資本金から剰余金への振替Transfer to other capital surplus from capital stock 
準備金から資本金への振替Transfer to capital stock from legal capital surplus 
準備金から剰余金への振替Transfer to other capital surplus from legal capital surplus 
その他有価証券の売却による増減Sales of available-for-sale securities 
その他有価証券の減損処理による増減Impairment of available-for-sale securities 
純資産の部に直接計上されたその他有価証券評価差額金の増減Inserted directly into net assets – valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 
連結子会社の増資による持分の増減Capital increase of consolidated subsidiaries 
ヘッジ対象の損益認識による増減Realized gain or loss on hedged object 
ヘッジ会計の終了による増減Closing of hedging 
純資産の部に直接計上された繰延ヘッジ損益の増減Inserted directly into net assets – deferred gains or losses on hedges 
在外連結子会社等の株式の売却による増減Sales of shares of foreign consolidated subsidiaries 
連結範囲の変動に伴う為替換算調整勘定の増減Change of scope of consolidation – foreign currency translation adjustment 
純資産の部に直接計上された為替換算調整勘定の増減Inserted directly into net assets – foreign currency translation adjustment 
新株予約権の発行Issuance of subscription rights to shares 
新株予約権の取得Purchase of subscription rights to shares 
新株予約権の行使Exercise of subscription rights to shares 
新株予約権の失効Lapse of subscription rights to shares 
自己新株予約権の消却Retirement of treasury subscription rights to shares 
自己新株予約権の処分Disposal of treasury subscription rights to shares 
連結子会社の増加による非支配株主持分の増減Increase of consolidated subsidiaries – non-controlling interests 
連結子会社の増加による少数株主持分の増減Increase of consolidated subsidiaries – minority interests 
連結子会社の減少による非支配株主持分の増減Decrease of consolidated subsidiaries – non-controlling interests 
連結子会社の減少による少数株主持分の増減Decrease of consolidated subsidiaries – minority interests 
連結子会社株式の取得による持分の増減Purchase of shares of consolidated subsidiaries 
連結子会社株式の売却による持分の増減Sales of shares of consolidated subsidiaries 
少数株主利益又は少数株主損失Minority interests in income (loss) 
株主資本以外の項目の当期変動額(純額)Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity 
当期変動額合計Total changes of items during period 

【英語版】キャッシュフロー計算書の頻出勘定科目 56選

キャッシュフロー計算書は、ある会計期間における資金(現金及び現金同等物)の増減、つまり収入と支出(キャッシュ・フローの状況)の状況を報告する計算書です。Statement of Cash Flows の略で、C/Fと呼称されます。

日本語英 語関連記事
キャッシュフロー計算書Statement of Cash Flows▶解説
営業活動によるキャッシュ・フローCash flows from operating activities 
税引前当期純利益又は税引前当期純損失Income (loss) before income taxes 
減損損失Impairment loss 
のれん償却額Amortization of goodwill 
貸倒引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts 
受取利息及び受取配当金Interest and dividend income▶解説
支払利息Interest expenses▶解説
為替差損益(△は益)Foreign exchange losses (gains) 
持分法による投資損益(△は益)Share of (profit) loss of entities accounted for using equity method 
有形固定資産売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of property, plant and equipment 
売上債権の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable – trade 
たな卸資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in inventories 
仕入債務の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable – trade 
賞与引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses 
役員退職慰労引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for directors’ retirement benefits 
退職給付に係る負債の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability 
有価証券売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of securities 
有価証券評価損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on valuation of securities 
固定資産売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of non-current assets 
有形固定資産除却損Loss on retirement of property, plant and equipment 
社債発行費償却Amortization of bond issuance cost 
破産更生債権等の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in claims provable in bankruptcy, claims provable in rehabilitation 
利息及び配当金の受取額Interest and dividend income received▶解説
利息の支払額Interest expenses paid▶解説
法人税等の支払額Income taxes paid 
営業活動によるキャッシュ・フローNet cash provided by (used in) operating activities 
投資活動によるキャッシュ・フローCash flows from investing activities 
利息及び配当金の受取額Interest and dividend income received▶解説
有価証券の取得による支出Purchase of securities 
有価証券の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of securities 
有形固定資産の取得による支出Purchase of property, plant and equipment 
有形固定資産の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment 
投資有価証券の取得による支出Purchase of investment securities 
投資有価証券の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of investment securities 
貸付けによる支出Payments of loans receivable 
貸付金の回収による収入Collection of loans receivable 
定期預金の預入による支出Payments into time deposits 
定期預金の払戻による収入Proceeds from withdrawal of time deposits 
財務活動によるキャッシュ・フローCash flows from financing activities 
短期借入金の純増減額(△は減少)Net increase (decrease) in short-term loans payable 
借入金の返済による支出Repayments of loans payable 
借入れによる収入Proceeds from loans payable 
社債の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of bonds 
社債の償還による支出Redemption of bonds 
株式の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of common shares 
自己株式の取得による支出Purchase of treasury shares 
配当金の支払額Cash dividends paid▶解説
非支配株主への配当金の支払額Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 
少数株主への配当金の支払額Cash dividends paid to minority shareholders 
リース債務の返済による支出Repayments of lease obligations 
現金及び現金同等物に係る換算差額Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents 
現金及び現金同等物の増減額(△は減少)Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 
非継続事業から生ずるキャッシュ・フローCash flows of discontinued operation▶解説
現金及び現金同等物の残高Cash and cash equivalents▶解説

【英語版】財務諸表の注記の頻出会計用語 78選


日本語英 語関連記事
連結財務諸表Consolidated Financial Statements 
連結の範囲Scope of Consolidation▶解説
関係会社Related companies, Grope Companies 
親会社Parent company 
連結子会社Consolidated subsidiaries 
持分法Equity method 
会計期間Accounting period 
連結会計期間Consolidated accounting period 
会計方針Accounting principle (Accounting policy) 
重要な会計方針Significant Accounting principles (Accounting policies) 
出荷基準Shipping Basis▶解説
引渡基準Delivery Basis 
検収基準Inspection Basis 
工事進行基準Percentage of completion method 
工事完成基準completed contract method 
売買目的有価証券Trading Security 
満期保有目的債券Hold to maturity Security 
その他有価証券Available for sale Security (Other securities) 
償却原価Amortized cost 
時価(公正価値)Fair value 
市場価格Market value 
未実現利益(未実現損失)Unrealized gain (Unrealized loss) 
割引現在価値Present value 
定額法Straight-line method▶解説
定率法Accelerated method 
200%定率法Double Declining Balance method 
生産高比例法  Unit-production mathod 
取得原価Acquisition cost 
付随費用Incidental cost 
簿価(帳簿価額)Book value 
耐用年数Useful life 
残存価額Residual value 
個別法Specific identification method▶解説
先入先出法First-in First-out method(FIFO) 
後入先出法Last-in First-out method(LIFO) 
総平均法Gross average method 
移動平均法Moving average method 
加重平均法Weighted average method 
最終仕入原価法Last purchase price method 
売価還元法Retail method, Gross profit method, Gross margin method 
実地棚卸Physical inventory, Actual inventory, Physical stock,  Physical count, Stock takes, Stock taking 
継続記録法Perpetual inventory method 
棚卸台帳(記録)Inventory book 
実地棚卸高Physical inventory 
帳簿在庫数Book inventory 
棚卸差異調整Book-to-physical adjustment 
棚卸差異Inventory variance 
過剰在庫Excess inventory 
陳腐化在庫Obsolete inventory, 
在庫年齢表Stock aging list 
滞留在庫Dead stock  
低価法(日本)Lower of cost or net selling value 
低価法(IFRS)Lower of cost or net realizable value 
正味売却価額Net selling value 
正味実現可能価額Net realizable value(NRV) 
再調達原価Replacement cost 
金融商品Financial Instruments 
関連当事者との取引Business transactions with related parties 
セグメント情報Segment Information 
報告セグメントReportable Segment 
1株あたり純資産Net assets per share 
1株あたり当期純利益Earnings per share 
潜在株式調整後1株あたり当期純利益Fully diluted earnings per share 
重要な後発事象Material Subsequent Events 
該当事項はありませんThere are no applicable matters to be reported 
継続企業の前提Going concern 
未適用の会計基準Accounting standards not yet applied 
会計方針の変更Changes in Presentation Methods 
表示方法の変更Changes in Accounting Principles 
追加情報Additional Information 
附属明細表Supplementary Data 
連結付属明細表Supplementary Consolidated Data 
監査報告書Independent Auditor’s Report 

経理担当者が押さえておくべき会計英語 58選


日本語英 語関連記事
会計システムAccounting System 
残高試算表Trial Balance(T/B) 
総勘定元帳Genaral Ledger(G/L) 
補助元帳Sub Ledger(S/L) 
会計仕訳Journal entries 
法人税Corporate income tax 
住民税Inhabitant tax 
事業税Enterprise tax 
事業所税Business office tax 
固定資産税Property tax 
固定資産取得税Real estate acquisition tax 
印紙税Stamp duty 
物品サービス税GST (Goods &Service Tax) 
付加価値税VAT (Value Added Tax) 
個人所得税Personal income tax 
税務申告Tax return 
税金還付Tax refund 
源泉所得税Withholding Tax, Tax Withheld 
給料明細Payment Slip 
基本給Base Salary 
役職手当Position Allowance 
家族手当Family Allowance 
住宅手当Housing Allowance 
残業手当Overtime Allowance 
深夜勤務手当Midnight Shift Allowance 
休日勤務手当Holiday Allowance 
通勤手当Commutation Allowance 
一時金Lump sum 
健康保険料Health Insurance Premium 
介護保険料Nursing care Insurance Premium 
厚生年金保険料Welfare Pension Insurance Premium 
雇用保険料Unemployment Insurance Premium 
源泉所得税Withholding Income Tax 
住民税Inhabitant Tax 
財形貯蓄Employee’s savings 
有給休暇Paid vacation, Paid annual leave 
年次病気休暇Paid sick leave 
生理休暇Menstrual Leave 
代休Holiday in lieu 
欠勤Leave Deduction 
小口現金Petty cash, Cash in hand 
銀行口座Bank Account 
日当per diem 
注文書Purchase Order (P/O) 
契約書Contract, Agreement 
船荷証券Bill of Landing(B/L) 
荷渡指示書Delivery Order (D/O) 
梱包明細書Packing List (P/L) 